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. 2019 May 29;16:69. doi: 10.1186/s12978-019-0738-1

Table 6.

Determinants of PPIUD uptake among women who were counseled

Dependent variable: PPIUD uptake
Est. 95% CI
Woman given a leaflet during counseling −0.008 [− 0.050–0.053]
PPIUD Knowledge (Ref: Women can’t recall any benefits/disadvantages, or disadvantages only)
 recall benefit(s) only 0.054** [0.026–0.080]
 recall both benefit(s) and disadvantage(s) 0.122*** [0.091–0.198]
Women given opportunity to ask questions 0.043** [0.012–0.095]
Timing of PPIUD Counseling (Ref: Before Admission, during ANC)
 After Admission Only 0.144** [0.096–0.237]
 Both 0.093** [0.055–0.187]
Woman’s Age (Ref: < 20)
 20–24 years −0.020** [−0.036–0.000]
 25–29 years −0.036** [− 0.045 - -0.027]
  > 29 years − 0.015 [− 0.035–0.037]
Woman’s Schooling (Ref: No schooling)
 Some Primary −0.015 [− 0.054–0.070]
 Some Lower Secondary −0.042 [− 0.072–0.013]
 Some Higher Secondary −0.045 [− 0.072–0.011]
 Some College −0.051* [− 0.083–0.012]
Time to travel from home to hospital (Ref: < 2 h)
 2–6 h 0.008 [− 0.011–0.038]
  > 6 h − 0.0027 [−0.046–0.074]
Parity (Ref: 1)
 2 0.039** [0.011–0.055]
 3 or more 0.050* [−0.003–0.076]
Ethnicity (Ref: Hill Brahmin)
 Chhetri 0.007 [−0.010–0.029]
 Janajaati 0.010 [−0.004–0.036]
 Madhesi −0.003 [− 0.041–0.107]
 Dalit −0.002 [− 0.026–0.034]
 Muslim −0.035* [− 0.061–0.003]
 Others 0.003 [− 0.042–0.048]
Region (Ref: Terai)
 Hill −0.008 [− 0.057–0.049]
 Mountain 0.017 [− 0.145–0.144]
Had an abortion before 0.025* [−0.006–0.042]
Male child born 0.014*** [0.006–0.027]
Future Fertility Preference (Ref: Unsure about Limiting)
 Want to Space 0.023** [0.006–0.054]
 Want to Limit 0.020*** [0.006–0.049]
 Undecided on Spacing −0.006 [−0.060–0.017]
 Can’t get Pregnant −0.119** [− 0.240 - -0.053]
 Refused/Other −0.068** [− 0.182 - -0.003]
Constant −0.181 [− 0.379–0.021]
Observations 15,241
R-squared 0.132

All regression models adjusted for hospital and month fixed effects

Note: Difference from null tested using wild cluster bootstrap method

*** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1