Heterogeneous decrease of PC1/3 in islets of T2D donors. (A–C) Representative islets from T2D donor #6221 immunostained for insulin (red) and PC1/3 (green) illustrate the presence, in the same section of pancreas, of islets with high (A), medium (B), and low (C) level of the convertase. Also note the persistence of insulin/proinsulin staining after loss of PC1/3 expression. Bar: 40 µm. (D and E) Graphs indicate total fluorescence of PC1/3 in islets of T2D donor #6221 and #6280, respectively. Note the presence of significant interislet variation in fluorescence intensity. Islets with high, medium, and low fluorescence intensities are indicated with black, green, and red lines, respectively. Abbreviations: PC1/3, proprotein convertase 1/3; a.u., arbitrary unit.