Figure 3.
Sequence type diversity in evolutionary clade 4. Maximum-likelihood MLST phylogeny. Sequences were aligned using MUSCLE and tree was generated in MEGA7 with evolutionary distances calculated using the Tajima-Nei model. The scale shows the number of nucleotide substitution per site, based on concatenated MLST allele sequences (7 loci, 3501 bp). The tree is mid-point rooted and supported by 500 bootstrap replicates (only values >50 are shown). For global phylogenetic context, well-characterised representatives of MLST clade 1 (ST 54), 2 (ST 1), 3 (ST 22), 5 (ST 11), C1 (ST 181), C2 (ST 200), and C3 (ST 204) are also shown (*). Branches for clade 4 are shown in blue. Known toxin profiles of clade 4 strains are indicated by orange (A-B+CDT-) and green (A-B-CDT-) colour. RT 017 (ST 37) is indicated with a red arrowhead.