Fig. 2.
ERG directly regulates the expression of sGC in PCa cells. a, b VCaP cells transfected with siRNA against non-target-control (siNTC) or ERG (siERG1 or 2 targeting different regions of ERG) were subjected to a real-time RT-PCR or b immunoblotting. c Four PCa cell lines were hormone-starved for 3d and stimulated with DHT (10 nM) for 1d, and then subjected to immunoblotting. d ERG ChIP-seq binding peaks on gene loci of GUCY1B1/A1 in VCaP cells. e ChIP-qPCR for ERG binding at indicated gene loci. f, g LNCaP stable cells expressing doxycycline (dox)-inducible ERG (LNCaP-tetERG) were treated with dox for 2d, and then subjected to f immunoblotting or g real-time RT-PCR. h ChIP-qPCR for ERG binding (against HA tag) in LNCaP-tetERG cells after dox treatment for 2d