Fig. 5.
Laminin-111 nitration site occupancies (peak areas of peptides carrying nitration at Tyr (Y)/Trp (W)/Tyr + Trp sites, summed and given as a percentage of the total, summed, peak areas of all modified and unmodified peptides containing these residues) after exposure of the parent protein to different molar excesses of ONOOH. The distribution of site occupancies is presented in the form of boxplots, indicating the median and quartiles (25th and 75th). Values more than 1.5 times the interquartile range away from the quartile edges (indicated by whiskers) are plotted and regarded as outliers. The violin plots surrounding boxplots represent kernel probability densities, i.e. the width of the shaded area represents the proportion of the data located there. Panel A): Distribution of nitration site occupancies for Trp residues (upper left panel), Tyr residues (upper right panel) and all nitration sites (lower panel). Panel B): Distribution of di-nitration site occupancies for Trp sites (upper left panel), Tyr sites (upper right panel) and all nitration sites (lower panel).