Fig. 6.
Clustering and positions of laminin-111 nitration sites based on their extent of modification. Panel A): Overview of 6-nitroTrp (left panels) and 3-nitroTyr (right panels) formation, given as site occupancies, in response to increasing molar excesses of ONOOH (as indicated on the horizontal axis) within their cluster of site occupancy level. Panel B): Position of laminin-111 nitration sites in the sequences of the 3 laminin chains (horizontal axis: LAMA1 = α1, LAMB1 = β1, LAMC1 = γ1). Bars indicate the sites of nitration with the color indicating the assigned cluster and thus extent of modification (red, cluster A; yellow, cluster B; black, cluster C; grey, cluster D, in order of decreasing extent of modification, see text for further details). Left hand columns, modifications at Trp residues (W), right hand columns, modifications at Tyr residues (Y). Annotations to the right of the chain sequences in panel B indicate sites with known biological function. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)