Figure 4. IFNγ is required for development of T-bethi BDN cells and regulates ASC formation and recovery.
(a) Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) to identify predicted upstream direct and indirect regulators of the HD BDN Be1 transcriptome. IPA performed using the 427 DEG (BDN Be1 over BDN Be2; FDR < 0.05) identified in the RNA-seq analysis described in Figure 3b. The predicted activation state (z-score of BDN Be1 over BDN Be2) of each regulator/signaling pathway is shown as bar color (orange, activated; blue, inhibited) with predicted upstream regulators sorted in order of significance (overlap P value). Regulators with an overlap P-value<0.00001 are shown. (b–d) IPA-identified stimuli induce development of T-bethiIRF4int BDN pre-ASC-like cells from HD BN cells. Cartoon (b) depicting in vitro stimulation conditions to activate purified HD BN cells with cytokines (IL-2, BAFF, IL-21, IFNγ), anti-Ig and R848 for 6 days. Phenotypic characterization of day 6 activated cells showing expression of IRF4 and T-bet (c) and other markers (d) on the IgDnegCD27neg BDN subset. (e–h) Cartoon (e) depicting HD BN cells activated with anti-Ig +cytokine cocktail (IFNγ, IL-2, IL-21, BAFF) and R848 (ALL) or activated with individual stimuli (as indicated) removed from the cultures. Representative flow plots showing T-bet and IRF4 expression (f–g) by day 3 B cells in each culture. Enumeration of CD38hiCD27+ ASCs (h) in day 6 ‘ALL’ cultures. (i–j) Transient BCR activation is required for ASC development. Cartoon (i) depicting activation of HD BN cells for 3 days with R848, cytokines (IFNγ, IL-2, IL-21, BAFF) ±anti-Ig (Step 1). Cells were then washed and recultured for an additional 3 days with the same stimuli ± anti-Ig (Step 2). Enumeration of CD38hiCD27+ ASCs (j) on day 6 in cultures that were not exposed to anti-Ig during Steps 1 and 2 (-,-); were exposed to anti-Ig throughout Steps 1 and 2 (+,+); were exposed to anti-Ig only in Step 1 (+,-); or were exposed to anti-Ig only in Step 2 (-,+). (k–l) IFNγ, R848 and IL-21 are required for ASC development. Cartoon (k) showing HD BN cells activated with anti-Ig + cytokine cocktail (IFNγ, IL-2, IL-21, BAFF) and R848 for 3 days (Step 1) and then cultured for an additional 3 days (Step 2) with cytokine cocktail and R848. Alternatively, individual stimuli (as indicated) were excluded from the cultures for all 6 days. Enumeration of day 6 CD38hiCD27+ ASCs (l). See Figure 4—figure supplement 1 for % ASCs and number of total cells recovered in cultures lacking individual stimuli. RNA-seq IPA analysis was performed on n = 3 samples/subset derived from 3 independent paired co-culture experiments. Data in (c–l) are representative of ≥3 experiments. The recovery of ASCs in (j, l) are shown as the mean ±SD of cultures containing purified BN cells from 3 independent healthy donors. Statistical analyses (j, l) were performed using one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparison test. P values *<0.05, **<0.01.