Figure 4. Standardized mean difference (SMD) and 95% confidence intervals of global circumference strain (GCS) between patients and controls following anthracycline-treatment.
The size of the square marker is proportional to the weight assigned to the study in the pooled estimate (diamond) using a random effects model. The weighing is related with the inverse of the standard error (and therefore indirectly to the sample size) reported in the studies. Studies with smaller standard error and larger sample size are given more weight in calculating the pooled effect size. The results indicate that GCS is lower in anthracycline treated patients as compared to a normal, age-matched population (SMD Total (fixed effects) = −1.013; SMD Total (random effects) = −1.010 (both p<0.001); Level II evidence). There was a significant difference among the findings of the included 6 articles [20,24,31,41,44,46] (X2 (5)=40.01, p<0.001), and the inconsistency among included articles was quantified as I2=87.50% [95% CI=75.2–93.7]. Doses are reported as mean ± SD unless noted otherwise. arange. *mid-papillary level GCS was used for analysis from the study by Yu et al[41].