2. RCTs of exercise interventions screened out of resistance training review.
Study (primary and secondary citations)* | Number of groups | Interventions |
Alentorn‐Geli 2008 | 3 | MX, Comp (Vib+MX), Control |
Altan 2004 | 2 | AQ‐MX, Bal |
Altan 2009 | 2 | MX, Relax+FX |
Arcos‐Carmona 2011 | 2 | AQ+LD MX, Control (placebo magnet therapy) |
Assis 2006 | 2 | AE, AQ‐AE |
Astin 2003 | 2 | Mindfulness Meditation; Control |
Baptista 2012 | 2 | Dance; Wait List Control |
Bojner Horwitz 2006 | 2 | Dance/Movement; Control |
Bressan 2008 | 2 | 2 groups: FX, AE |
Buckelew 1998 | 4 | 4 groups: Biof+Relax, MX, Comp (Biof+Relax+MX), Control (Educ/Attention) |
Burckhardt 1994 | 3 | Comp (ED+MX), ED, Control (Delayed treatment) |
Calandre 2009 | 2 | FX, AiChi |
Carson 2010; Carson 2012 | 2 | COMP (Yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, ED), Control (Wait List) |
Cedraschi 2004 | 2 | Comp (AQ+Land AE, Relax, ED), Control |
Demir‐Gocmen 2013 | 2 | MX (FX+Coord)/HPrg (FX) |
Da Costa 2005 | 2 | AQ+LD MX, Control (TAU) |
De Andrade 2008 | 2 | AQ‐(AE), AQ‐(AE) SPA |
de Melo Vitorino 2006 | 2 | AQ‐MX, LD‐MX |
Etnier 2009 | 2 | MX, Control ‐ Delayed Entry |
Evcik 2008 | 2 | AQ‐MX, MX |
Field 2003 | 2 | COMP (Self Massage+FX), Relax |
Fontaine 2007 | 2 | LPA (likely mostly aerobic), ED |
Fontaine 2010; Fontaine 2011 | 2 | LPA (likely mostly aerobic), ED |
Garcia‐Martinez 2012 | 2 | MX (AE+ST+FX); Control |
Genc 2002 | 2 | MX, COMP (Non ex intervention, Remedial Ex, Relax, Mobil) |
Gowans 1999 | 2 | Comp (AQ‐AE+ED), Control (Wait List) |
Gowans 2001; Gowans 2002 | 2 | AQ‐AE+LD AE, Control (TAU) |
Gusi 2010; Olivares 2011 | 2 | VIB, Control (TAU) |
Gusi 2006; Tomas‐Carus 2007a; Tomas‐Carus 2007b; Tomas‐Carus 2007 | 2 | AQ‐MX , Control |
Hammond 2006 | 2 | COMP (Educ+SMP+MX), Relax |
Hecker 2011 | 2 | AQ MX, MX |
Hooten 2012 | 2 | COMP (MX+pain prg), COMP (MX+pain prg) |
Hunt 2000 | 2 | MX, Control |
Ide 2008 | 2 | AQ‐COMP (AE+Relax), Control (Supervised ˜PA Recreational Activities) |
Isomeri 1993 | 3 | AE, ST+Meds, AE+Meds |
Jentoft 2001 | 2 | AQ‐MX, MX |
Jones 2007; Jones 2008 | 4 | Comp Meds+MX, Meds+Placebo (Diet Recall), Placebo Med+MX, Control: Placebo Med+Placebo Diet Recall |
Jones 2012 | 2 | Tai Chi; Educ |
Joshi 2009 | 2 | MX; Med |
Keel 1998 | 2 | Comp (MX, ED, Relax), Relax |
King 2002 | 4 | AE (AQ ± LD), ED, Comp (AE AQ ± LD+ED), Control |
Lemstra 2005 | 2 | Comp (MX+Educ+SMP+Massage), Control |
Liu 2012 | 2 | Qi Gong/sham QiGong |
Lopez‐Rodriguez 2012 | 2 | AQ Biodance |
Lynch 2012 | 2 | Qi Gong/Wait List Control |
Mannerkorpi 2000 | 2 | AQ‐MX, Edu |
Mannerkorpi 2009 | 2 | COMP AQ‐MX+ED, ED |
Mannerkorpi 2010 | 2 | AE (moderate intensity), AE (low intensity) |
Martin 1996 | 2 | MX, Relax |
Martin‐Nogueras 2012 | 2 | MX (FX+FX+Relax)/Control |
Matsutani 2007 | 2 | COMP (Educ+Laser+FX), COMP (Educ+FX) |
Matsutani 2012 | 2 | AE, FX |
McCain 1988 | 2 | AE, FX |
Mengshoel 1992; Mengshoel 1993 | 2 | AE‐Dance, Control |
Munguia‐Izquierdo 2007; Munguia‐Izquierdo 2008 | 3 | AQ‐MX, Control (fibromyalgia), Control (Healthy) |
Nichols 1994 | 2 | AE, Control |
Norregaard 1997 | 2 | AE, MX, Thermotherapy |
Ramsay 2000 | 2 | AE, AE (CV) |
Richards 2002 | 2 | AE, Comp Relax+FX |
Rivera Redondo 2004 | 2 | AQ+LD MX, CBT |
Rooks 2007 | 4 | MX1, MX2, FSHC, FSHC+MX |
Sanudo 2010 | 2 | MX, Comp (MX+Vib) |
Sanudo 2010a | 3 | AE, MX, Control (TAU) |
Sanudo 2010c | 2 | AE, Control |
Sanudo 2011 | 2 | MX, Control (TAU, AAU) |
Sanudo 2012 | 2 | MX (Vib+AE+ST+FX); MX (AE+ST+FX) |
Schachter 2003 | 3 | AE ‐ long bout, AE ‐ short bout, Control (TAU) |
Schmidt 2011 | 3 | Comp (Meditation Yoga), Comp (Relax+FX), Control (Wait List) |
Sencan 2004 | 3 | AE, Meds, Control |
Tomas‐Carus 2008; Tomas‐Carus 2007c; Gusi 2008 | 2 | AQ‐MX, Control |
Valencia 2009 | 2 | COMP (Relax+MX) , FX (Meziere Method) |
Valim 2003 | 2 | AE, FX |
Valkeinen 2008 | 2 | MX, C (AAU) |
van Koulil 2010 | 2 | Comp CBT1 + AQ/LD MX, Comp CBT2 + AQ/LD MX |
vanSanten 2002a | 3 | MX, Biofeedback, Control |
vanSanten 2002 | 2 | MX (self selected intensity), AE (moderate to vigorous intensity) |
Verstappen 1997 | 2 | MX, Control |
Wang 2010 | 2 | Tai Chi, Comp (FX + ED) |
Wigers 1996 | 3 | AE, SMT, Control (TAU) |
Yuruk 2008 | 2 | MX1, MX2 |
AAU: activity as usual; AE: aerobics; AQ: aquatics; Biof: biofeedback; spa: balneotherapy; CBT: cognitive behavior therapy; Comp: composite; ED: education; FX: flexibility; LD: land; LPA: leisure time physical activity; LifePA: lifestyle physical activity; Meds: medication; Multi: multidisciplinary program; ˜: not, or non; MX: mixed exercise; Relax: relaxation; SMP: self management program; ST: strength; SM: stress management; Spa: thelassotherapy; TAU: treatment as usual; TENS: transcutaneous electrical stimulation; Vib: whole body vibration.
* Seven trials had more than one publication. In total, there were 73 trials with 14 additional publications.