Figure 3.
Combinations of positive and negative antibody sorts lead to strong enrichment in the fraction of antibody-displaying yeast cells that are selective for Aβ fibrils. A, percentage of yeast cells collected after each round of library sorting. Three negative selections were performed against disaggregated Aβ (immobilized on magnetic beads) for each round of sorting. Afterward, the unbound yeast cells were positively sorted against immobilized Aβ fibrils. Finally, the number of bound cells in the positive sorts was quantified via growth on selective agar plates. A total of 109 cells were used for sorts 1–3 and 107 cells for sorts 4 and 5. B, conformational specificity ratio for each sort is reported as the number of yeast cells bound to immobilized Aβ fibrils divided by the number of cells bound to disaggregated Aβ. The error bars are standard deviations for the cell counts from two dilutions of the collected cells.