Fig. 2.
Echocardiogram and treadmill results. Data are presented as individual change over 4 months, mean and 95% confidence intervals. a) Left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction increased after 4 months of triheptanoin (C7) supplementation but did not change in the trioctanoate (C8) group. b) End systolic volume decreased and c) there was a decrease in LV wall mass in the C7 treated group compared to the C8 group. d) All but one participant had normal cardiac function at baseline and at the end of 4 months of treatment (gray shaded area indicates the normal range). Individual participant EF at baseline and 4 months of treatment is shown. More participants in the C7 group had an increase in EF compared to the random increase and decrease in EF observed in the C8 group within the normal test/retest variability of resting echocardiograms. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation e) Ventilation during the moderate intensity treadmill was similar between treatment groups suggesting that workload was similar. f) Systolic blood pressure was not different but g) Heart rate was significantly lower in subjects treated with C7 compared to subjects in the C8 group H) double product was not significantly different between groups