Kir2.1 in utero electroporation leads to a forward shift in neuronal morphology.
(A) In the Kir2.1-electroporation condition, neurons display a non-polarized dendritic arbor, as E15.5-born L2/3-type neurons do. Right: cumulative radial distribution of primary dendrites for each analyzed cell.
(B) E14.5-born neurons mostly display a stellate morphology whereas Kir2.1-electroporated neurons often display an apical dendrite, as do E15.5-born L2/3-type neurons (red arrowheads). Horizontal bars in (A) indicate median values. Data in (B) are represented as means ± SEM. (A), Kruskal-Wallis test; (B), one-way ANOVA. *: P<0.05; **: P<10−2; ***: P<10−3.