Figure 2.
Associations between concurrent intakes of one-carbon cofactors and neural tube defect outcomes, Slone Epidemiology Center Birth Defects Study, North America, 1998–2015. The data are restricted to mothers reporting periconceptional folic acid of ≥400 μg daily. The figure displays estimated odds ratios (adjusted for maternal age, race, and study center) and 95% confidence intervals for concurrent (joint) intake of one-carbon cofactors and risk for all neural tube defects and spina bifida only. One-carbon cofactor intake estimates include both diet and supplementation, and counts represent the number of intakes within the respective primary comparison range for each cofactor (B6 ≥2.2 mg, B12 ≥3 μg, choline ≥200 mg, methionine ≥1.3 g, and betaine range of ≥40 to <70 mg).