(A) A diagram of the workflow.
(B) The protein-protein interaction network pulled down using satellite
RNA is positively correlated with BRCA1 function (visualized with StringDB).
(C) RNA IP followed by western blotting confirmed the binding of
satellite RNA to the proteins, as indicated, but not a control RNA.
(D) Co-IP followed by western blotting revealed (left) interaction
between BRCA1 and Lamin B1, as shown by BRCA1 IP. BARD1 is shown as a positive
control for BRCA1 interaction. Right: interactions between Lamin B1 and the
indicated factors. GFP-Trap was used to pull down Lamin B1 in a LaminB1-GFP
knockin U2OS cell line (the controls are IgG proteins from rabbits, mice, or
rats instead of alpaca, from which the GFP antibody is derived).
See also Figure
S4 and Table