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. 2019 May 15;7(5):614–641. doi: 10.1177/2050640619850365
Key performance measure Complete cecal or stomal visualization
Description Percentage of SBCEs reaching the cecum or stoma
Domain Completeness of procedure
Category Process
Rationale Complete small-bowel visualization is a prerequisite for an adequate inspection of the mucosa in search of lesions
Construct Denominator: All SBCEs performed Numerator: Procedures that report reaching the cecum/colon or stoma bag (in patients who have had ileocolonic resection or other relevant surgery) Exclusions: None Calculation: Proportion (%) Level of analysis: Service and individual level Frequency: Yearly and/or for a sample of 100 SBCEs
Standards Minimum standard: ≥80% Target standard: ≥95% Complete small-bowel visualization should be documented in a written report, including photodocumentation If the minimum standard is not reached, analysis of the factors influencing completion rate (selection of patients, cleansing agents used, timing) should be performed on a service level and for each individual capsule endoscopist After evaluation and adjustment, close monitoring should be performed with a further audit within 12 months and/or for a sample of 100 SBCEs
Consensus agreement 100%
PICO numbers 1.4 and 2.1 (see Supporting information, CE file)
Evidence grading Low-quality evidence