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. 2019 May 19;2019:2945435. doi: 10.1155/2019/2945435

Table 1.

Antibodies used for immunostaining and western blot.

Antibodies Species Concentration Origin Catalog number
Primary antibodies βIII-tubulin Rabbit IF: 1/1000 Covance PRB-435P
Calbindin Rabbit IF: 1/200 Abcam ab25085
Dopamine Rabbit IF: 1/500 Abcam ab6427
Dopa decarboxylase Rabbit WB: 1/1000
IF: 1/200
Abcam ab3905
Dopamine D2 receptor Goat IF: 1/200 Abcam ab30743
Dopamine transporter Rat WB: 1/1000
IF: 1/200
Millipore MAB369
Engrailed 1 Rabbit IF: 1/25 Abcam ab70993
Foxa2/HNF3b Rabbit WB: 1/1000
IF: 1/400
Cell Signaling 8186
Girk2 Goat IF: 1/100 Abcam ab65096
Lmx1a Rabbit WB: 1/1000
IF: 1/200
Millipore AB10533
MAP2 Chicken WB: 1/10000
IF: 1/5000
Abcam ab5392
Nurr1 Mouse IF: 1/300 Abcam ab41917
Pitx3 Rabbit WB: 1/250
IF: 1/200
Abcam ab30734
TH Rabbit WB: 1/500 Millipore AB152
TH Rabbit IF: 1/500 Pel-Freez P40101-150
Actin-HRP Mouse WB: 1/10000 Proteintech HRP-60008

Secondary antibodies Rabbit-HRP Goat WB: 1/6000 Cell Signaling 7074
Chicken-HRP Goat WB: 1/6000 Abcam ab97135
Rat-HRP Goat WB: 1/5000 Millipore AP136P
Anti-rabbit-Alexa 488 Goat IF: 1/1000 Thermo Fisher A11070
Anti-goat-Alexa 488 Donkey IF: 1/1000 Thermo Fisher A11055
Anti-mouse-Alexa 488 Goat IF: 1/1000 Invitrogen A11029
Anti-rat-Alexa 488 Goat IF: 1/1000 Thermo Fisher A11006
Anti-chicken-Alexa 647 Goat IF: 1/1000 Thermo Fisher A21449
HCS CellMask Orange IF: 1/20000 Thermo Fisher H32713
DAPI IF: 1/10000 Sigma Aldrich D8417

WB: western blot; IF: immunofluorescence; HCS: high-content screening.