Figure 5.
Aggregate results from experiment 2. Subjects reported inertial (diamond) or visual (circle) stimulus similar to experiment 1. The inertial stimulus range was expanded to ±140° in 35° increments with a visual stimulus offset of ±30 to ±120° in 30° increments. Error bars represent ±1 SEM. Fits to the perceived heading are shown as a dashed line. Fits were performed by linear least squares regression using Kaleidagraph software. For each offset (30°, 60°, 90°,120°), visual R values were: 0.18, 0.33, 0.07, and 0.23, respectively, while inertial R values were: 0.34, 0.25, 0.14, and 0.003, respectively. Inertial angle has been subtracted from the visual and inertial responses.