Figure 5.
MiR-195 reduces oxygen consumption rate via MFN2 down-regulation.
Elevated levels of miR-195 reduces OCR whereas declining miR-195 levels augments OCR in (a) MCF-7 cells and (b) MDA-MB-231 cells, normalized OCR per min per microgram of protein ±SE from n = 3 was plotted. The respiratory parameters such as (c) Basal respiration, (d) Maximal respiration, (e) Spare respiratory capacity of mitochondria and (f) ATP production was derived from OCR and mean fold change was plotted ±SE, *: p< 0.05, ***: p< 0.001. (pSil, miR, NC, AM represents treatment of control plasmid, miR-195 plasmid, negative control and antimiR-195, respectively)