Figure 5.
Comparison of RlmJ:BA4(b) with RNA-bound m6A RNA and DNA MTases. (A) Comparison of the position of the substrate base of BA4(b) (blue) from RlmJ:BA4 and the corresponding base (A17) in the human homologue METTL16 co-crystallised with an RNA substrate (PDB: 6DU4) (orange). SAH (yellow) from RlmJ:SAH, aligned with RlmJ:BA4, is shown for comparison. The methylated bases and all cofactors are shown in stick representation. (B) As for A, but compared to the corresponding base (A606) from the DNA co-crystallised with m6A DNA MTase M.TaqI (PDB: 1G38) bound to the cofactor analogue 5′-[2-(amino)ethylthio]-5′-deoxyadenosine (AETA) (orange). (C) As for A, but compared to the corresponding base (A608) from the DNA co-crystallised with m6A DNA MTase T4Dam (PDB: 1YFL) bound to the cofactor analogue sinefungin (orange).