Figure 3.
Comparison of the rate of adaptive evolution and distribution of fitness effects in effector and non‐effector genes. (A) Comparison of the estimates of the proportion of adaptive substitutions α and the rate of adaptive substitutions, ωa for genes predicted to encode effector proteins (blue) or not (grey). Histograms (white bars), kernel density plots, and box‐and‐whiskers charts are computed over 100 bootstrap replicates in each case (see Material and Methods). (B) Null distributions of the differences of α and ωa between effectors and non‐effector genes (grey histogram) and the corresponding observed statistics (red line). (C) Average distribution of fitness effects (P), computed as the product of the effective population size Ne and selection coefficient s, over 100 bootstrap replicates for both effector and non‐effector encoding genes. (D) Correlation of inferred parameters over 100 bootstrap replicates of effector and non‐effector encoding genes, for the Gamma (negative selection) and Exponential (positive selection) components, respectively. γ and δ: the mean and shape of the Gamma distribution of negative selection coefficients. ε, mean of the exponential distribution of positive selection coefficients; ψ, the probability that the selection coefficient is positive.