Figure 2. S100a4 haploinsufficiency promotes regenerative, mechanically superior tendon healing.
(A) S100a4GFP/+ haploinsufficient and wild type (WT) littermates underwent transection and repair of the FDL tendon, and tendons were harvested at D14 post-surgery. (B) S100a4 mRNA expression was reduced by 50% in S100a4GFP/+ tendon repairs, relative to WT (n = 3 per group). (C) A substantial reduction in S100a4 protein expression was observed in S100a4GFP/+ tendon repairs, relative to WT. Tendon ends are outlined in blue and bridging scar tissue outlined in black (n = 3–4 per group). (D–G) At D14, MTP Flexion Angle was significantly increased in S100a4GFP/+ repairs (D), and Gliding Resistance was significantly decreased in S100a4GFP/+ repairs (E). Max load at failure was significantly improved in S100a4GFP/+ repairs (F), while no change in Stiffness was observed between genotypes (G) (n = 7–10 per group). (*) indicates p<0.05, (**) indicates p<0.01 between genotypes, n = 7–10 for (D–G) (un-paired t-test).