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. 2019 May 28;10:1224. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01224

Table 3.

Cognitive performance of the groups (Means, Standard Deviations, or Confidence Intervals), the significance of the difference, effect size as Eta-squared, Bayes factor, and Post hoc analyses (p-value).

N Prague mean (SD/CI) Towns mean (SD/CI) Villages mean (SD/CI) p-value η2 BF10 PxT PxV TxV
Story 324 5.74 (1.12) 5.16 (1.25) 5.08 (1.32) < 0.001 0.055 159.11 0.002 < 0.001 n.s.
TMT-A+ 324 38.24 (29.13–50.10) 39.06 (27.93–54.46) 38.84 (28.42–52.95) 0.868 0.001 0.04 n.s. n.s. n.s.
TMT-B+ @ 324 85.86 (60.05–122.58) 91.13 (62.44–132.78) 89.05 (62.09–127.53) 0.215 0.010 0.13 n.s. n.s. n.s.
DSST @ 324 56.16 (11.93) 53.37 (12.30) 54.26 (12.82) 0.103 0.014 0.27 n.s. n.s. n.s.
CS Visuo-Grapho @ 324 0.08 (0.81) -0.07 (0.86) -0.02 (0.86) 0.180 0.011 0.16 n.s. n.s. n.s.
PST-D @ 323 13.47 (2.45) 14.59 (4.56) 13.16 (3.20) 0.015 0.026 1.62 n.s. n.s. 0.009
PST-W @ 323 16.52 (3.50) 18.34 (5.00) 16.51 (3.72) 0.002 0.039 13.75 0.004 n.s. 0.004
PST-C+ @ 323 30.15 (22.30–40.66) 31.86 (23.81–42.52) 31.35 (22.19–44.12) 0.206 0.010 0.08 n.s. n.s. n.s.
VF Animals @ 324 25.67 (5.35) 23.07 (5.01) 24.10 (5.24) < 0.001 0.048 22.56 0.001 n.s. n.s.
RAVLT1 324 6.14 (1.96) 5.59 (1.75) 5.47 (1.50) 0.011 0.028 2.18 n.s. 0.015 n.s.
CS Verbal @ 323 0.16 (0.60) -0.19 (0.77) 0.02 (0.70) < 0.001 0.048 53.61 0.001 n.s. n.s.
SRT+ 316 398.24 (319.46–496.38) 475.53 (351.91–642.46) 448.71 (352.36–571.32) < 0.001 0.084 7553.64 < 0.001 0.003 n.s.
GNG+ 312 584.07 (501.49–680.22) 631.89 (534.22–747.37) 620.28 (526.33–730.96) < 0.001 0.042 15.06 0.002 0.023 n.s.
CS Attention 312 0.34 (0.79) -0.25 (1.00) -0.08 (0.88) < 0.001 0.071 1031.36 < 0.001 0.004 n.s.

Values presented in the table are in standard, non-transformed units except for + scores, which were logarithmically transformed for the analyses (ln) and then back-transformed. CS: composite score. CI = confidence intervals (for logarithmical transformations). @ = ANCOVA with age as the covariate. η2 = eta squared – univariate ANOVA, effect size. BF10, Bayes Factor. P, Prague; T, Towns; V, Villages. PxT, PxV, TxV = post hoc analyses of differences between two types of environment, p-values. n.s. = non-significant, p > 0.01.