Characteristics of K. pneumoniae K7(ΔGT-1), K7(ΔGT-2), and K7(ΔwcaJ). (A) Colony morphologies of K. pneumoniae K7(ΔGT-1), K7(ΔGT-2), and K7(ΔwcaJ). Colonies of K7(ΔGT-1), K7(ΔGT-2), and K7(ΔwcaJ) were cultured on LB plates at 37°C for 12 h after streak plating. The three mutant strains all form rough-type colonies. K7 was used as a control. (B) Centrifugation analysis of K. pneumoniae K7(ΔGT-1), K7(ΔGT-2), and K7(ΔwcaJ). The cultures were centrifuged at 10,000 × g for 5 min. K7 was used as a control. (C) SEM analyses of the surface morphology of K. pneumoniae K7(ΔGT-1), K7(ΔGT-2), and K7(ΔwcaJ). Scale bars represent 1 μm. K7 was used as a control. (D) CPS samples were extracted from equal amounts of K. pneumoniae strains (1.0 × 109 CFU). After separated by 12% SDS-PAGE, CPS phenotypes of K7(ΔGT-1), K7(ΔGT-2), and K7(ΔwcaJ) were visualized by alcian blue staining. CPS of K7 was used as a control.