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. 2019 Mar 16;244(6):445–458. doi: 10.1177/1535370219836771

Table 2.

Summary of statistical tools for inference of directed microbial interaction networks from longitudinal metagenomic data.

Full name Local similarity analysis Learning Interactions from microbial time series Metagenomic microbial interaction simulator Microbial counts and trajectories in infinite mixture model engine Microbial dynamical systems inference engine Temporal insights into microbial ecology
Implementation R Mathematica Desktop app Matlab Matlab Web app
Description Detects complex, non-linear dependence associations between species and environmental factors without data reduction Combines sparse linear regression with bootstrapping aggregation to infer a discrete-time Lotka–Volterra model Uses an abundance-ranking strategy paired with partial least square regression to infer a discrete-time Lotka–Volterra model Models time-varying counts of microbial taxa using an exponential relation process, coupled with adaptive Bayesian techniques Provides a comprehensive toolbox for dynamical systems analysis of microbiota time-series to fit generalized Lotka–Volterra differential equations Provides a workflows for time-series metagenomic data, including network inference using Granger LASSO causality
  • Can be used on cross-sectional data

  • Controls for error due to experimental uncertainty

  • Bootstrapping reduces compositional effects

  • User-friendly interface and visualization

  • Performs well on rare species

  • Allows design of longitudinal experiments

  • OTU-binning improves estimations

  • Multiple algorithms implemented

  • Provides user-friendly visualization

  • Analysis result is affected by time scale

  • Biased towards highly-abundant OTUs

  • Biased towards highly-abundant OTUs

  • Assumes instantaneous transitions between dynamics

  • Requires concentrations, rather than relative abundances

  • Does not adequately account for sparsity

  • Granger causality is prone to high FPR

References Ruan and Sun43 Fisher and Mehta51 Shaw and Wang52 Gerber and Bry53 Bucci and Gerber54 Baksi and Mande55

Note: The table contains a brief description of the tool, how the statistical methods underlying it, and some of the strengths and weaknesses of each approach.