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. 2019 Jun;139:192–199. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2019.04.002

Table 1.

Demographics and outcomes.

Total cohort OUHNHSFT Training database QAH Test database
Admissions (total) 42,764 217,363
Admissions (with >0 complete vital sign observation set) 29,931 (69.9%) 120,017 (55.2%)
Admissions with an event outcome (%) 1669 (3.9%) 7523 (3.5%)
Admissions (male) (%) 14,887 (49.7%) 56,140 (46.7%)
Admission age, mean (SD) 64(19) 63(20)
Vital sign observation sets 1201714 5545039
Vital sign observation sets tagged as event outcome (%) 9412(0.8%) 42,653 (0.8%)
Vital sign observation sets tagged as unplanned ICU outcome (%) 5503 (0.5%) 15,029 (0.3%)
Vital sign observations sets tagged as death outcome (%) 3909 (0.3%) 27,621 (0.5%)
Length of stay, median (IQR)(hours) 100 (170) 83 (143)
Heart rate, mean (SD) (beats per minute) 82 (16) 80 (16)
Respiratory rate, mean (breaths per minute) 17 (3) 17 (3)
Systolic blood pressure, mean (SD) (mmHg) 127 (22) 126 (22)
FiO2, mean (SD) (%) 26 (15) 26 (12)
Body temperature, mean (degrees Centigrade) 36.4 (0.6) 36.7 (0.5)
Oxygen cohort
Admissions (% of total cohort) 17,012 (39.7%) 83,304 (38.3%)
Admissions with an event outcome (% of oxygen cohort) 1027 (6.0%) 5688 (6.8%)
Admissions (male) (% of oxygen cohort) 8166 (48%) 37,487 (45%)
Admission age, mean (SD) (years) 65 18 68 17
Vital sign observation sets 222,156 (18.4%) 1,055,189 (19%)
Vital sign observation sets tagged as event outcome (%) 6469 (2.9%) 30,359 (2.8%)
Vital sign observation sets tagged as unplanned ICU outcome (%) 2443(1.1%) 9843 (0.9%)
Vital sign observations sets tagged as death outcome (%) 4026 (1.8%) 20,516 (1.9%)
Length of stay, median (IQR)(hours) 131 (220) 131 (213)
Heart rate, mean (SD) (beats per minute) 85 (18) 84 (18)
Respiratory rate, mean (SD)(breaths per minute) 18 (4) 18 (4)
Systolic blood pressure, mean (SD) (mmHg) 125 (23) 125 (23)
FiO2, mean (SD) (%) 49 (18) 47 (15)
Body temperature, mean (SD) (degrees Centigrade) 36.4 (0.7) 36.7 (0.6)

Demographic descriptors for the admissions included in each of the OUHNHSFT Training and QAH Test databases.