Provide educational opportunities for community organizations |
“we could use help with having a medical practitioner have a workshop for persons needing to fill out their medical wishes more in depth” |
• Seminars, guest speakers, hands-on workshops, lunch-and-learns, one-to-one education |
“would like lunch and learns, bring in a speaker” |
“provide educators to address issues around power of attorney, personal directives and goals of care” |
Provide ACP training for community organization members e.g. train-the-trainer programs |
“could train people in our group to speak” |
“train-the-trainer would increase [our organization’s] comfort level” |
Provide resources |
• Print resources (e.g. Green Sleeves, Personal Directives, bookmarks, posters, toolkits, pamphlets, conversation tip sheets) |
“having green sleeves available for groups to order” |
“personal directive kits” |
“having a cheat sheet on things to discuss (e.g. funeral plans, mental illness, incapacity, personal directive)” |
• Media resources (e.g. websites/website content, magazine articles, newsletter pieces, videos/movies/TED talks, presentation slide decks) |
“series of articles 150–200 words” |
“copies of ads for community newsletters/websites” |
“powerpoints/usb keys with talks for groups to use” |
“having resources (videos)” |
“have ads on facebook for people to share” |
• Personnel (e.g. speakers, dedicated ACP facilitators, telephone consultants similar to HealthLink consultants) |
“provide a list of speakers to community groups” |
“have an assigned/educated facilitator/resource person for communities/facilities to access to have the advance care planning conversation” |
“have a phone number like health link where people can actually be reached to answer questions” |