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. 2019 Jun 3;19:193. doi: 10.1186/s12884-019-2327-2

Table 3.

Institutional delivery compared between intervention and control areas by quintile

Number (%) of mothers in intervention Number (%) of mothers in control Crude mean difference (95% CI) P value Adjusted mean differencea (95% CI) P value
Unrestricted analysis
Overall n = 2432 n = 2469 n = 4901 n = 3883
 Baseline (n = 2441) 744/1182 (62.9%) 726/1236 (58.7%)
 Endline (n = 2491) 965/1250 (77.2%) 827/1233 (67.1%)
 Difference 14.3% 8.4% 5.9% (0.01–0.11) 0.027 3.3% (−0.14–0.21) 0.685
Quintile 1 (poorest) n = 888 n = 708
 Baseline (n = 465) 55/111 (49.6%) 165/354 (46.6%)
 Endline (n = 423) 119/165 (72.1%) 178/258 (69.0%)
 Difference 22.5% 22.4% 0.1% (−0.14–0.14) 0.979 0.8% (− 0.30–0.32) 0.953
Quintile 2 n = 869 n = 753
 Baseline (n = 446) 141/220 (64.1%) 125/226 (55.3%)
 Endline (n = 423) 192/254 (75.6%) 105/169 (62.1%)
 Difference 11.5% 6.8% 4.7% (−0.08–0.18) 0.475 5.4% (− 0.14–0.24) 0.541
Quintile 3 n = 878 n = 801
 Baseline (n = 455) 190/290 (65.5%) 99/165 (60.0%)
 Endline (n = 423) 149/200 (74.5%) 153/223 (68.6%)
 Difference 9.0% 8.6% 0.4% (−0.12–0.13) 0.954 −3.0% (− 0.27–0.20) 0.781
Quintile 4 n = 876 n = 780
 Baseline (n = 459) 153/239 (64.0%) 161/220 (73.2%)
 Endline (n = 417) 142/142 (71.3%) 135/218 (61.9%)
 Difference 7.3% −11.3% 18.6% (0.06–0.31) 0.003 10.7% (−0.20–0.42) 0.465
Quintile 5 n = 869 n = 841
 Baseline (n = 447) 150/235 (63.8%) 143/212 (67.5%)
 Endline (n = 422) 253/270 (93.7%) 126/152 (82.9%)
 Difference 29.9% 15.4% 14.4% (0.03–0.26) 0.011 6.6% (−0.20–0.33) 0.602
Restricted analysisb
Overall n = 1524 n = 2275 n = 3799 n = 2938
 Baseline (n = 2418) 744/1182 (62.9%) 726/1236 (58.7%)
 Endline (n = 1381) 291/342 (85.1%) 690/1039 (66.4%)
 Difference 22.2% 7.7% 14.5% (0.08–0.21) < 0.001 6.1% (− 0.17–0.29) 0.575
Quintile 1 (poorest) n = 128 n = 591 n = 719 n = 542
 Baseline (n = 465) 55/111 (49.6%) 165/354 (46.6%)
 Endline (n = 254) 13/17 (76.5%) 165/237 (69.6%)
 Difference 26.9% 23.0% 3.9% (−0.20–0.28) 0.746 −0.7% (− 0.42–0.41) 0.971
Quintile 2 n = 238 n = 366 n = 604 n = 491
 Baseline (n = 446) 141/220 (64.1%) 125/226 (55.3%)
 Endline (n = 158) 17/18 (94.4%) 89/140 (63.6%)
 Difference 30.3% 8.3% 22.0% (0.06–0.38) 0.007 21.4% (0.07–0.36) 0.008
Quintile 3 n = 329 n = 352 n = 681 n = 607
 Baseline (n = 455) 190/290 (65.5%) 99/165 (60.0%)
 Endline (n = 226) 28/39 (71.8%) 131/187 (70.1%)
 Difference 6.3% 10.1% −3.8% (−0.22–0.14) 0.684 −5.8% (−0.35–0.24) 0.673
Quintile 4 n = 295 n = 408 n = 703 n = 609
 Baseline (n = 459) 153/239 (64.0%) 161/220 (73.2%)
 Endline (n = 244) 40/56 (71.4%) 114/188 (60.6%)
 Difference 7.4% −12.6% 20.0% (0.04–0.36) 0.016 6.3% (−0.30–0.42) 0.709
Quintile 5 n = 410 n = 305 n = 715 n = 689
 Baseline (n = 447) 150/235 (63.8%) 143/212 (67.5%)
 Endline (n = 268) 168/175 (96.0%) 71/93 (76.3%)
 Difference 32.2% 8.8% 23.4% (0.11–0.36) < 0.001 13.5% (−0.21–0.48) 0.404

aAdjusted for clustering by district, maternal age, parity, maternal education, quintile and access to health facilities

bIntervention endline population restricted to mothers who reported that she knew (i) there were any programs that would give her money if she delivered in a health facility or (ii) she would receive our CCT incentive if she delivered in a health facility; intervention baseline population not restricted. Control endline population restricted to mothers who reported that she did not know (i) or (ii); control baseline population not restricted