Fig. 2.
DHX36 interacts with mature mRNAs at thousands of sites. a Autoradiographs of crosslinked and radiolabelled FH-DHX36 and FH-DHX36-E335A RNPs separated by SDS-PAGE (black arrowheads). HA, immunoblot for haemagglutinin tag. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. b Scatterplot of normalized crosslinked reads per million (NXPM) from FH-DHX36 and FH-DHX36-E335A PAR-CLIP experiments reveals high degree of correlation of high-confidence binding sites. Correlation coefficient (R2) is indicated. c Distribution of PAR-CLIP-derived binding sites from the intersection of two biological replicates across different RNA annotation categories. d The distribution of FH-DHX36 (red) and FH-DHX36-E335A (blue) binding sites across CDS, 3′, and 5′ UTRs matches the distribution expected based on the length of the annotation categories (gray). e Metagene analysis of the distribution of DHX36 binding clusters 200 nt downstream of the start codon and 500 nt downstream of the stop codon, respectively (red). The distribution of 1000 mismatched randomized controls is shown in gray. The black line indicates the mean of the gray distribution