Fig. 7.
DHX36 mRNA targets are enriched in stress granules. a Cumulative distribution function showing enrichment of DHX36 mRNA target levels in stress granules compared to non-targets. Target mRNAs are binned in accordance to the number of NXPM obtained by DHX36-E335A PAR-CLIP. Significance was determined using a two-sided KS test. b Cumulative distribution function showing enrichment of G4-forming DHX36 mRNA target levels in stress granules compared to non-targets. Target mRNAs are binned based on whether they harbor a G4-site identified previously10 overlapping with PAR-CLIP binding sites or not. Significance was determined using a two-sided KS test. c Western blot analysis of wild-type HEK293 cells (WT), DHX36-KO cells (KO), DHX36-KO cells with transgenic FH-DHX36 expression (DHX36-KO rescue), and DHX36-KO cells with FH-DHX36-E335A expression (DHX36-E335A-KO rescue). Positive control for PKR phosphorylation by dsRNA transfection is shown on the right. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. d DHX36 loss results in increased SG formation, revealed by labeling of wild-type, DHX36-KO, and DHX36-KO wild-type rescue HEK293 cells with a G3BP antibody (green). Stress granules were counted and divided by the number of cells. Scale bar, 10 µm