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. 2019 May 30;177(6):1419–1435.e31. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.03.049
Biological Samples

osteological remain this study Actiparc_GVA124_2143
osteological remain this study Actiparc_GVA307_2127
osteological remain this study Actiparc_GVA308_2312
osteological remain this study Actiparc_GVA309_2302
osteological remain this study Actiparc_GVA311_2253
osteological remain this study ArzhanII_Rus9_2500
osteological remain this study AugustaRaurica_JG160_1817
osteological remain this study Bateni_Rus16_3350
osteological remain this study Beauvais_GVA122_417
osteological remain this study Beauvais_GVA375_467
osteological remain this study Belgheis_TrBWBX116_485
osteological remain this study Boves_GVA191_1717
osteological remain this study BozAdyr_KYRH10_1267
osteological remain this study BozAdyr_KYRH8_1267
osteological remain this study CaminoDeLasYeseras_CdY2_4678
osteological remain this study Cantorella_UE2275x2_4791
osteological remain this study Chartres_GVA26_1917
osteological remain this study Chartres_GVA36_1917
osteological remain this study Chartres_GVA4_1917
osteological remain this study Chartres_GVA43_1917
osteological remain this study Chartres_GVA56_1917
osteological remain this study Chartres_GVA81_1917
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osteological remain this study Evreux_GVA140_1817
osteological remain this study FrankfurtHeddernheim_Fr1_1863
osteological remain this study GolModII_Mon23_2007
osteological remain this study GolModII_Mon24_1993
osteological remain this study GolModII_Mon25_2011
osteological remain this study GolModII_Mon26_1999
osteological remain this study GolModII_Mon27_2011
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osteological remain this study Marvele_01_1138
osteological remain this study Marvele_18_1189
osteological remain this study Marvele_21_1087
osteological remain this study Marvele_32_1144
osteological remain this study MerzlyYar_Rus45_23789
osteological remain this study Museum_Earb6_89
osteological remain this study Noyon_GVA123_717
osteological remain this study Nustar_5_1187
osteological remain this study Oktyabrsky_Rus37_830
osteological remain this study OlonKurinGol_OKG2_2367
osteological remain this study Otepaa_Ote2_1184
osteological remain this study Ridala_Rid2_2717
osteological remain this study Saadjarve_Saa1_1117
osteological remain this study Sagzabad_SAGS27_3117
osteological remain this study SaintJust_GVA242_2250
osteological remain this study Sayangorsk_Rus41_2677
osteological remain this study SharIQumis_AM115_1557
osteological remain this study TavanTolgoi_GEP13_730
osteological remain this study TavanTolgoi_GEP14_730
osteological remain this study TavanTolgoi_GEP21_730
osteological remain this study UushgiinUvur_Mon37_3085
osteological remain this study UushgiinUvur_Mon39_3085
osteological remain this study UushgiinUvur_Mon41_3085
osteological remain this study UushgiinUvur_Mon42_3130
osteological remain this study UushgiinUvur_Mon43_3120
osteological remain this study UushgiinUvur_Mon44_3085
osteological remain this study UushgiinUvur_Mon45_3080
osteological remain this study UushgiinUvur_Mon79_3085
osteological remain this study UushgiinUvur_Mon87_3117
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osteological remain this study WitterPlace_UK16_217
osteological remain this study WitterPlace_UK17_267
osteological remain this study WitterPlace_UK18_267
osteological remain this study Yenikapi_Tur140_1289
osteological remain this study Yenikapi_Tur141_1430
osteological remain this study Yenikapi_Tur142_1396
osteological remain this study Yenikapi_Tur145_1156
osteological remain this study Yenikapi_Tur146_1730
osteological remain this study Yenikapi_Tur150_1443
osteological remain this study Yenikapi_Tur170_1443
osteological remain this study Yenikapi_Tur171_1689
osteological remain this study Yenikapi_Tur173_1443
osteological remain this study Yenikapi_Tur175_1443
osteological remain this study Yenikapi_Tur176_1443
osteological remain this study Yenikapi_Tur181_1443
osteological remain this study Yenikapi_Tur193_1443
osteological remain this study Yenikapi_Tur194_1360
osteological remain this study Yenikapi_Tur229_1443
osteological remain this study Yenikapi_Tur243_1443
osteological remain this study Yerqorqan_YER28_2853
osteological remain this study ArzhanII_Arz15_2642
osteological remain this study ArzhanII_Arz17_2642
osteological remain this study ArzhanII_Rus11_2500
osteological remain this study Berufjordur_VHR102_1057
osteological remain this study BroughOfDeerness_VHR010_1417
osteological remain this study BroughOfDeerness_VHR011_1367
osteological remain this study BroughOfDeerness_VHR037_1417
osteological remain this study BroughOfDeerness_VHR062_1417
osteological remain this study Chartres_GVA111_1917
osteological remain this study Chartres_GVA112_1917
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osteological remain this study Chartres_GVA75_1917
osteological remain this study Chartres_GVA9_1917
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osteological remain this study Evreux_GVA135_1817
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osteological remain this study Granastadir_VHR031_1067
osteological remain this study Marvele_02_1138
osteological remain this study Marvele_05_1138
osteological remain this study Marvele_16_1138
osteological remain this study Marvele_22_1138
osteological remain this study Marvele_27_1138
osteological remain this study Nustar_4_1187
osteological remain this study OlonKurinGol_OKG1_2367
osteological remain this study Quoygrew_VHR017_1117
osteological remain this study SaintQuentin_GVA237_1917
osteological remain this study Syrgal_Syr1t1c4_2317
osteological remain this study UushgiinUvur_Mon40_3085
osteological remain this study UushgiinUvur_Mon89_3085
osteological remain this study Vermand_GVA199_1742
osteological remain this study WitterPlace_UK19_267

Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins

N-Lauroylsarcosine solution 30% 500ml Dutscher Cat# 348533
Proteinase K 100MG Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 10103533
H2O, Molecular Biology Grade, Fisher BioReagents Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 10490025
Tween 20 100ML Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 10113103
Ethanol, Absolute, Mol Biology Grade Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 10644795
5M Sodium Chloride 100ML Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 10609823
USER Enzyme New England Biolabs Cat# M5505L
NEBNext End Repair Module New England Biolabs Cat# E6050L
Bst DNA Polymerase New England Biolabs Cat# M0275L
NEBNext Quick Ligation Module New England Biolabs Cat# E6056L
BSA Molecular Biology Grade New England Biolabs Cat# B9000S
ROX REFERENCE DYE 500μL Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 10635353
SYBR Green I Nucleic Acid 10000X concentrate Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 10710004
ACCUPRIME PFX DNA POLYMERASE 100μL Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 10472482
Agencourt AMPure XP - 60ml Beckman Coulter Cat# A63881
Buffer PE QIAGEN Cat# 19065
Buffer PB QIAGEN Cat# 19066
Buffer EB QIAGEN Cat# 19086
DMSO molecular biol 250ML Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 10397841
dNTP Set 100mM 100μL Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 10336653
EDTA 0.5M pH 8.0 Fisher Bioreagents 500ML Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 10182903
Tris HCl, 1M, pH 8.0, 100ML Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 10336763

Critical Commercial Assays

MinElute PCR Purification kit QIAGEN Cat# 28006
Tapestation screenTape D1000 HS Agilent Cat# 5067-5584
Bioanalyzer High Sensitivity DNA labchips kit Agilent Cat# 5067-4626

Deposited Data

Raw and analyzed data this study ENA: PRJEB31613

Software and Algorithms

ANGSD Korneliussen et al., 2014
TreeMix Pickrell and Pritchard 2012
mapDamage Jónsson et al., 2013
Paleomix Schubert et al., 2014b
mstatspop unpublished
NGSdist Vieira et al., 2016
fastme Lefort et al., 2015
raxML Stamatakis 2014
PLINK Purcell et al., 2007
AdapterRemoval Schubert et al., 2016
Samtools Li and Durbin, 2009
Momi2 Kamm et al., 2018
Admixtools Patterson et al., 2012