Fig. 3.
Boxplot of quantum efficiency of the photosystem II (Fv/Fm, a), efficiency of primary quinone acceptor (QA) reoxidation in 0.65 ms (Fr1/Fv, b), and 120 ms (Fr2/Fv, c) relaxation phases of dark-adapted attached spinach leaves are shown. Measurements took place 5 min after exposure to control or nitrogen (N2) atmosphere. Parameters were obtained using fast repetition rate flash (FRRF0.75ms) of the light-induced fluorescence transient (LIFT) instrument. Box represents inter-quartile range, bold horizontal bar the median, the discontinuous lines the upper and lower quartile, and outlier data points (> 1.5 × inter-quartile range) are depicted by a point (n = 6 plants). Boxes labeled with different letters differ significantly from each other according to Tukey’s multiple comparisons of means