Figure 3.
AtGnTI-Q23A fusion protein expression does not restore the n-glycan processing defect of gntI. A, Immunoblot analysis of gntI AtGnTI:AtGnTI-GFP (WT) and gntI AtGnTI:AtGnTI-Q23A-GFP (Q23A) seedlings with anti-HRP to detect plant complex n-glycans, with GFP antibodies (anti-GFP) to detect the AtGnTI-GFP fusion protein and with antibodies against ARGONAUTE 1 (anti-AGO) used as a loading control. B, RT-pPCR analysis of transcripts from gntI AtGnTI:AtGnTI-GFP (WT) and gntI AtGnTI:AtGnTI-Q23A-GFP (Q23A) seedlings. PCR for the transgene expression was carried out with GFP-specific primers and normalized to UBQ5 transcript expression. Data represent mean values ± se, n = 3. C, Immunoblot analysis of protein extracts from gntI UBQ10:AtGnTI-mRFP (WT) or gntI UBQ10:AtGnTI-Q23A-mRFP (Q23A) with anti-HRP and anti-RFP. D, n-glycan analysis of complemented gntI expressing UBQ10:AtGnTI-mRFP (WT) or UBQ10:AtGnTI-Q23A-mRFP (Q23A) by MALDI-MS. E, Co-immunoprecipitationof AtGnTI (WT) and AtGnTI-Q23A (Q23A). UBQ10:AtGnTI-GFP coexpressed with UBQ10:AtGnTI-mRFP (WT) or UBQ10:AtGnTI-Q23A-mRFP (Q23A) was purified with GFP-trap beads from N. benthamiana and the copurification of mRFP-fusion proteins was monitored by immunoblotting with mRFP antibodies. WT, wild type. F, Localization of AtGnTI-mRFP and AtGnTI-Q23A-mRFP expressed in Arabidopsis seedlings under the control of the UBQ10 promoter and ST-mRFP expressed under the control of the CaMV35S promoter. Scale bars = 10 µm.