Figure 7.
HLP1 positively regulates Glc-induced HSP genes by binding to their promoters. ChIP assay of HSP genes after transient expression of 35SCaMV::HLP1-YFP. Four-week–old Col-0 plants were infiltrated with Agrobacterium strain GV3101 containing 35SCaMV::HLP1-YFP construct and kept for 48–72 h under light-grown conditions. ChIP-qPCR of immunoprecipitated promoter fragments containing Cis-acting HSE was performed. ACT2 serves as a control. Amount of immunoprecipitated promoter DNA was calculated by comparing samples treated without or with anti-GFP antibody. CT values without and with anti-GFP antibody were normalized by input control. Data shown are representative of one biological replicate. Experiments were repeated four times (without or with untransformed Col-0/ACT2) with similar results. Ctrl, control. Error bars = sd (Student’s t test, P < 0.05; *control versus treatment; **uninfiltrated versus infiltrated).