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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 Apr 17.
Published in final edited form as: Neuron. 2019 Mar 7;102(2):339–357.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2019.02.038


Rabbit anti-TDP-43 (polyclonal) Proteintech Cat# 10782–2-AP, RRID: AB_615042
Rabbit anti-TDP-43 (polyclonal) Proteintech Cat# 12892–1-AP, RRID: AB_2200505
Mouse anti-GFP (monoclonal, JL-8) Clontech Cat# 632381, RRID: AB_2313808
Mouse anti-G3BP1 (monoclonal) Abcam Cat# ab56574, RRID: AB_941699
Goat anti-TIA1 (polyclonal) Santa Cruz Cat# sc-1751, RRID: AB_2201433
Mouse anti-HA (monoclonal, HA.11) Covance Cat# mms-101P, RRID: AB_2314672
Rat anti-tubulin (monoclonal) Abcam Cat# ab6160, RRID: AB_305328
Mouse anti-GAPDH (monoclonal) Abcam Cat# ab8245, RRID: AB_2107448
Rat anti-phospho-TDP-43 Biolegend Cat# 829901, RRID: AB_2564934
Goat anti-RanGap1 Santa Cruz Cat# sc-1862, RRID: AB_2176981
Mouse anti-Ran BD Bioscience Cat# bd-610340, RRID: AB_397730
Rabbit anti-Nup107 Abcam Cat# Ab73290, RRID: AB_1269604
Goat anti-FUS Bethyl Laboratories Cat# A303–839A, RRID: AB_2620190
Mouse anti-hnRNPA1 Santa Cruz Cat# sc-374053, RRID: AB_10947257
Rabbit anti-amyloid A11 ThermoFisher Cat# AHB0052, RRID: AB_1501357
Rabbit anti-peIF2a Cell Signaling Cat# 3398, RRID: AB_2096481
Guinea pig anti-p62 Progen Cat# GP62-C, RRID: AB_2687531
Mouse anti-EDC4 Santa Cruz Cat# sc-376382, RRID: AB_10988077
Mouse anti-ubiquitin Millipore Cat# MAB1510, RRID: AB_2180556
Mouse anti-Importin alpha 2 Novus Biologicals Cat# MAB6207, RRID: AB_10730707
Chicken MAP2 Novus Biologicals Cat# NB300–213 RRID:AB_2138178
Bacterial and Virus Strains
E. coli DH 5-alpha competent cells New England Biolabs Cat# 2981I
E. coli BL21 competent cells EMD millipore Cat# 69450–3
Biological Samples
Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins
Protamine sulfate Sigma-Aldrich Cat# P4020
TransIT-X2 transfection reagent Mirus Cat# MIR 6000
Sodium arsenite Sigma-Aldrich Cat# 1062771000
PD 0332991 (Palbociclib) Apexbio Cat# PD-0332991
Carbonic Anhydrase from bovine erythrocytes Sigma-Aldrich Cat# C2273–1VL
Albumin, bovine serum Sigma-Aldrich Cat# A8531
B-Amylase from sweet potato Sigma-Aldrich Cat# A8781
TEV protease ThermoFisher Cat# 12575015
Poly-D-lysine Sigma-Aldrich Cat# P0899
Laminin Corning Cat# 354232
20% paraformaldehyde solution, EM grade Fisher Scientific Cat# 15713S
Neomycin Thermo Fisher Cat# 10131035
Blasticidin Thermo Fisher Cat# A1113903
Puromycin Dihydrochloride Thermo Fisher Cat# A1113803
Doxycycline Sigma-Aldrich Cat# D9891–5G
Uranyl acetate Ladd R.I., Williston, VT Cat# 23620
Antibiotic-Antimycotic Thermo Fisher Cat# 15240062
Fetal Bovine Serum‎ Omega Scientific Cat# FB-01
Critical Commercial Assays
Deposited Data
Experimental Models: Cell Lines
iPS Cells iXCells N/A
Human: SH-SY5Y ATCC Cat# CRL-2266
Human: SH-SY5Y TDP-43AID-GFP This paper N/A
Human: U2OS ATCC Cat# HTB-96
Human: HEK293T ATCC Cat# CRL-3216
Experimental Models: Organisms/Strains
C57BL/6 (C57BL/6 NCrL) mice Charles River Laboratories Cat# C57BL/6NCrl
Synthetic RNA poluCUG repeat (5X) IDT N/A
Oligo-dT(20) Gift from Dr. J. Paul Taylor (St. Jude Children Hospital) N/A
Recombinant DNA
pDUET-HA-FUSWT This paper N/A
pET His-TDP-43WT This paper N/A
pET His-SOD1A4V This paper N/A
pRK2- His-FUSWT-mCherry This paper N/A
pRK2-His-TDP-43WT-mCherry This paper N/A
pRK2-His-TDP-43G298S-mCherry This paper N/A
pRK2-His-SOD1G93R-mCherry This paper N/A
pX330-U6-Chimeric_BB-CBh-hSpCas9 Addgene Cat# 42230 (Cong et al., 2013)
EF1a-Tet3G-IRES-Neo This paper N/A
Ubic-myc-TDP-43WT-mRuby2-SV40-Puro This paper N/A
TRE3G-TDP-43ΔNLS(K82A,R83A,K84A)1−414-Clover-EF1acore-BSD This paper N/A
Ubic-UBAP2L-mRuby2-SV40-Puro This paper N/A
Ubic-TDP-43ΔNLS(K82A,R83A,K84A)1−414-Clover-SV40-Puro This paper N/A
pCDH-CMVtet-EYFP-TDP-43 This paper N/A
Software and Algorithms
FIJI (ImageJ) NIH Fiji, RRID: SCR_002285
Benchlin webtool Benchling
Graphpad prism Graphpad Graphpad Prism RRID:SCR_002798
96 well glass bottom plate Cellvis Cat# P96–1.5H-N
8 well chamber slides (glass bottom) Ibidi Cat# 80827
GSTrap HP columns GE Cat# 17–5281-01
HisTrapHP colums GE Cat# 7–5248-02
Superdex 75 10/300 GE Cat# 17–5174-01
Sephadex G-25 in PD-10 GE Cat# 17–0851-01
Hemacytometer Fisher Scientific Cat# 267110
DeltaVision Core system GE N/A
Olympus FV1000 Spectral Confocal with SIM Scanner Olympus N/A
Tecnai G2 Spirit BioTWIN transmission electron microscope equipped Tecai N/A
Zeiss LSM 880 confocal microscope Zeiss N/A
CQ1 confocal quantitative image cytometer Yokogawa N/A
SH800S Sony cell sorter Sony N/A
Akta Pure GE N/A
Amaxa Nucleofactor Lonza N/A
C-B 300 mesh Cu-01813-F Ted pella Cat# Cu-01813-F