Figure 1.
Postcanine teeth of monachines. Monachinae gen. et sp. indet. (LACM 122584), right p4 in lingual (a), buccal (b) and occlusal (c) views; Monachinae gen. et sp. indet. (LACM 52624), left p4/m1 in lingual (d) and buccal (e) views; Acrophoca sp. (MNHN CHL 5), right p4 in lingual (f) and buccal (g) views; Hadrokirus martini (MNHN SAS 1627), right p4 in lingual (h) and buccal (i) views; Properiptychus argentinus (MACN 3538a), right p4 in lingual (j) and buccal (k) views; Bone Valley Monachinae gen. et. sp. indet. (UF 45683), left p4/m1 in lingual (l) and buccal (m) views; Neomonachus tropicalis (UF 36456), left p4, in lingual (n) and buccal (o) views; Neomonachus schauinslandi (LACM 54384), right p4, in lingual (p) and buccal (q) views. Abbreviations: bc, buccal cingulum; lc, lingual cingulum; mtd, metaconid; pad, paraconid; prd, protoconid. (Online version in colour.)