Staphyloxanthin photolysis and H2O2 effectively eliminate stationary‐phase MRSA, persisters, and S. aureus inside a biofilm. a) CFU mL−1 of stationary‐phase MRSA after various treatments. Dose: H2O2, 22 × 10−3
m, 460 nm light, 120 J cm−2 (N = 3). b) CFU mL−1 of MRSA persisters after various treatments. Dose: H2O2, 44 × 10−3
m, 460 nm light, 120 J cm−2 (N = 3). c) Fluorescence images of S. aureus with intact (cyan) and damaged cell membrane (red) inside a biofilm after various treatments. Scale bar = 10 μm. 460 nm light: 30 min exposure, 360 J cm−2. H2O2: 0.045%, 20 min culture, then quenched by 0.5 mg mL−1 catalase solution. d) Statistical analysis of survival percent of S. aureus inside the biofilms. Survival percent =N
Cyan + N
Red), where N
Cyan and N
Red represent the number of S. aureus with intact and damaged cell membrane, respectively. Error bars show SEM from at least three replicates. Unpaired two‐tailed t‐test (***: p < 0.001), *** indicates significant difference from the other three groups.