Polymer blend composite surgical sealants produces a mild inflammatory response. The composite sealant containing 620 nm silica particles (P-620) was tested against PLGA/PEG by intraperitoneal implantation. Pictures of the implant site showing minimal gross inflammation at 3 days (i) and 10 days (ii) for a control saline injection (A), PLGA/PEG (B), and P-620 (C). The implanted disks of surgical sealant were engulfed by the abdominal fat pads (blue circle). Both disks decrease in diameter over 10 days by approximately 25% (D). Serum concentrations of TNFα (E) and INFγ (F) are roughly equivalent, except for the increased concentration of 10-day INFc. Sections of the abdominal fat pads adjacent to the implantation site were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (G–H). Scale bars = 400 lm. Green arrows point to the abdominal fat pads, blue arrows point to the sealant disk, and black arrows point to areas of cellular infiltration into the surgical sealant disks. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)