Fig. 6.
Box (95% confidence interval) and whisker (range) plots for comparisons of geometric mean (GM) faecal indicator organism (FIO) concentrations (colony forming units (cfu)/100 ml) in samples collected from Swansea DSP during two periods within the day on 60 sampling days (07:00–11:00 GMT and 11:30–16:00 GMT (plots A and B)) and three periods within the day on 24 sampling days when sampling was extended to 19:00 GMT (07:00–11:00 GMT, 11:30–15:00 GMT and 15:30–19:00 GMT (plots C and D)). Results are shown for all sampling days and groups of days split by the daily probability of gastrointestinal illness (pGI - ≤ 0.1 and >0.1) calculated using the data for the relevant daily sampling period.