Table 3.
Pearson's product moment correlations between five kinematic parameters of Atlantic bluefin tuna during vertical excursions (greater than 10 m). Data for 448 ascents and 452 descents. Each pair of values represents the Pearson's r for ascents (top value) and descents (bottom value) of the paired parameters. Significant correlations are indicated by the asterisk. Note that only one tuna carried a speed sensor and subsequently fewer dives were available for speed correlations (334 ascents and 363 descent).
r ascent r descent | tail-beat frequency | prop. active | dive depth | dive angle |
swim speeda | 0.81*** 0.31*** |
0.41*** 0.77*** |
0.07 0.01 |
0.15* 0.01 |
tail-beat frequency | 0.32*** 0.1* |
0.12* 0.31*** |
0.44*** −0.05 |
prop. active | 0.08 −0.15** |
0.16** 0.27** |
dive depth | 0.27*** −0.16** |
*p < 0.05; **p < 0.005; ***p < 0.0005.
aData only available for one fish.