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. 2018 Apr 23;1:8. doi: 10.1038/s41746-018-0016-6

Table 1.

Features used in PD classifier, ranked by discriminative weight and scored with respect to the top-ranked feature: TimeBetweenRepeatQueries. Features are computed over all queries for each searcher. Features from the Motor class are first computed for each query instance and then averaged across all query instances for that searcher

Feature name Class Brief description Weight
TimeBetweenRepeatQueries Repetition AVG time between repeat queries 1.000000
FractionOfQueriesAreRepeats Repetition % of all queries that are repeat queries 0.971182
NumberOfTremorEvents Motor # of tremor eventsa 0.715004
AverageTremorFrequency Motor AVG tremor frequency in hertz (# of oscillations/time) 0.595772
FractionOfQueriesHaveSymptoms Symptom % of all queries with 1+ symptoms 0.457336
AgeIs50To85 Risk Factors Inferred searcher age is 50–85 years 0.432355
FractionOfClicksAreRepeats Repetition % of result clicks that are repeat clicks on same result 0.341164
FractionOfQueriesHaveRiskFactors Risk Factors % of all queries with 1+ risk factors 0.329801
GenderIsFemale Risk Factors Inferred gender is female 0.313425
TotalTimeCursorMoving Motor Total time mouse cursor is actively moving 0.297699
NumberOfScrollEvents Motor # of scroll events 0.259432
NumberOfScrollEventsDownward Motor # of scroll events downward 0.256692
AverageScrolVelocity Motor AVG scrolling velocity 0.249454
MinimumCursorYCoordinate Motor MIN y-coordinate of mouse cursor (top of page y is 0) 0.247770
FractionOfCursorTransitionsAreDirectionChanges Motor % of mouse cursor transitions with direction changesb 0.243873
AverageCursorAcceleration Motor AVG acceleration of mouse cursor 0.239814
NumberOfHyperlinkClicks Motor # of hyperlink clicks 0.239568
AverageCursorVelocity Motor AVG velocity of mouse cursor 0.232418
NumberOfCursorTransitionsAreDirectedUpward Motor # of transitions directed upward 0.232311
TotalDistanceScrolled Motor Total distance scrolled 0.215000
AverageCursorXCoordinate Motor AVG x-coordinate of mouse cursor (left of page x is 0) 0.214955
FractionCursorTimeInWhitespace Motor % of time mouse cursor in whitespacec 0.211925
MaximumDeviationInPreclickCursorTrail Motor MAX deviation in pre-click mouse cursor traild 0.210185
AveragePreclickCursorVelocity Motor AVG velocity of mouse cursor before click 0.208572
TotalScrollingTime Motor Total time spent scrolling 0.207520
AverageCursorJounce Motor AVG jounce of mouse cursor 0.206460
MinimumCursorXCoordinate Motor MIN x-coordinate of mouse cursor 0.199193
MaximumCursorVelocity Motor MAX mouse cursor velocity 0.196639
NumberOfCursorTransitions Motor # of mouse cursor transitions between logged points 0.192631
GenderIsMale Risk Factors Inferred gender is male 0.191614
AverageCursorVelocity Motor AVG velocity of mouse cursor 0.190826
CursorExhibitsReadingBehavior Motor Cursor shows evidence of reading behavior21 0.190713
FractionCursorMoveTimeHaveTremors Motor % of mouse cursor move time having tremor events 0.188127
AverageCursorYCoordinate Motor AVG y-coordinate of mouse cursor 0.171520
AverageCursorJerk Motor AVG jerk of mouse cursor 0.168440
NumberOfTransitionsDirectedRightward Motor # of mouse cursor transitions directed rightward 0.157965
TotalNumberOfClicks Motor # of mouse clicks, inc. non-hyperlink (in whitespace) 0.153249
AverageAccelerationOfCursor Motor AVG acceleration of mouse cursor 0.150714
AgeIs35To49 Risk Factors Inferred searcher age is 35–49 years 0.145166
NumberOfNonHyperlinkClicks Motor # of non-hyperlink mouse clicks 0.132365
MaximumCursorYCoordinate Motor MAX y-coordinate of mouse cursor 0.127897
NumberOfCursorEvents Motor # of mouse cursor events 0.126026
NumberOfScrollEventsUpward Motor # of upward scroll events 0.117682
TotalCursorDistanceTraveled Motor Total distance traveled by mouse cursor 0.111703
AverageCursorPreclickOverrunDistance Risk Factors AVG pre-click mouse cursor link overrun distancee 0.110122
AverageCursorPreclickDeviation Motor AVG deviation in pre-click mouse cursor trail 0.106043
NumberOfCursorTransitionsDownward Motor # of mouse cursor transitions directed downward 0.104645
MaximumCursorJerk Motor MAX jerk of mouse cursor 0.098519
NumberOfCursorLoops Motor # of 360° loops in mouse cursor movementsf 0.094700
FractionOfTimeWithCursorInWhitespace Motor % of time spent with mouse cursor in whitespace 0.092794
MaximumCursorYCoordinate Motor MAX y-coordinate of mouse cursor 0.081183
NumberOfCursorTransitionsLeft Motor # of mouse cursor transitions directed left 0.074749
MaximumCursorJounce Motor MAX jounce of mouse cursor 0.072211
AgeIs25To34 Risk Factors Inferred searcher age is 25–34 years 0.069420
NumberOfCursorDirectionChanges Motor # of mouse cursor direction changes 0.068290
FractionQueriesWithRepeatQueryClick Repetition % of queries with repeat query-result click pair 0.045272
MaximumCursorPreclickVelocity Motor MAX velocity of pre-click mouse cursor trail 0.035155

a Tremor events are defined as horizontal or vertical oscillations in the position of the mouse cursor, with a mouse cursor movement of no more than 20 pixels in either direction

b Transitions between logged cursor position data points where a change in mouse cursor direction is noted (e.g., moving the mouse cursor leftward then moving the mouse cursor rightward)

c Fraction of total time spent on the search engine result page where the mouse cursor is parked over whitespace (i.e. regions of the result page where there are no elements)

d Average residuals in a line of best fit for the five cursor position data points (i.e. the cursor trail) logged before a hyperlink click

e Total distance traveled (in pixels) by mouse cursor pre-click after initial pass over the target hyperlink

f Number of 360-degree loops in the mouse cursor trails, where a loop is defined as a sequence of direction changes resulting in a circular motion of the mouse cursor (e.g., move right, move down, move left, move up)