Figure 2. Forest plots of candidate migraine biomarkers apolipoprotein A1 (apoA1) and the free cholesterol to total lipid ratio in small high-density lipoprotein ratio (S-HDL-FC).
Associations with migraine in random-effects meta-analyses. The effect sizes and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for apoA1 and S-HDL-FC are presented per cohort and in a random-effects meta-analysis. Values from logistic regression with metabolite levels, sex, and age as independent variables and migraine status as dependent variable. Error bars denote 95% CIs. To facilitate the interpretation of the effect sizes (β coefficients), we calculated the odds ratio (OR) for having migraine for a typical low metabolite score (z score = −1, 1 SD below average) and a typical high metabolite score: β −0.10, OR 1.22; β −0.20, OR 1.49; β −0.30, OR 1.82; β −0.40, OR 2.22; β −0.50, OR 2.72. *p Values after Holm-Bonferroni (p < 0.0002) multiple testing correction. ERF = Erasmus Rucphen Family study; I2 = measure of heterogeneity; LUMINA = Leiden University Migraine Neuro-Analysis; NESDA = Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety 1 and 2; NTR = Netherlands Twin Registry; RS = Rotterdam Study.