Figure 1. AZD678 therapeutic efficacy combined with fractionated radiotherapy in vivo corresponds to increased CD3+ and B220+ cell infiltration by IHC.
A, Relative tumor growth curves for C57Bl/6 mice carrying subcutaneous TC1 tumors, treated with vehicle, AZD6738 75 mg/kg daily for 5 days, radiation 2 Gy x 4 (daily fractions), or AZD6738 with radiation; the first dose of AZD6738 was administered 2 h prior to irradiation and the last dose was administered the day after the final fraction of radiation. Asterisk represents p <0.05 between radiation and radiation + ATRi curves by unpaired t-test. Minimum 10 animals per group. B, quantification of TC1 tumors from (A) stained for CD3 by immunohistochemistry. Minimum 10 fields of view and at least 3 tumors analysed per condition. Average number per field is shown for each tumor, tumors were harvested 5 days after the last fraction of radiation was administered. C, quantification of B220-positive cells, as per (B).