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. 2019 Jun 4;112(6):245–257. doi: 10.1177/0141076819851666

Table 3.

Results of random-effects negative binomial panel regressions with main and interaction effects.

Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Model 4
Control variables
 Number of past publications 1.002** 0.0006 1.002*** 0.0006 1.0001 0.0005 1.002*** ** 0.0005
 Gender 1.077 0.059 1.072 0.059 1.070 0.081 1.076 0.063
 Physician status 0.816*** 0.045 0.822** 0.048 0.801*** 0.045 0.815*** 0.046
 Senior lecturer 1.057 0.083 1.042 0.090 1.023 0.090 1.726* 0.437
 Reader 1.116 0.117 1.097 0.105 1.123 0.122 1.954* 0.526
 Professor 1.522*** 0.129 1.509*** 0.123 1.502*** 0.139 2.561*** 0.662
Solo versus multiple authorship
 Solo-authored articles 1.010 0.015 1.009 0.015 1.013 0.012 1.007 0.015
 Median number of co-authors per publication 1.034** 0.012 1.032* 0.013 1.071*** 0.014 1.030* 0.012
 (Median number of co-authors per publication)2 0.997** 0.0008 0.997*** 0.0008 0.997** 0.0009 0.997*** 0.0007
 Minimum number of co-authors per publication 0.968 0.0008 0.968* 0.016 0.948** 0.017 0.964* 0.016
Network-based measures of centrality
 Degree 678.052*** ** 1158.870 937.552*** 1420.734
 Eigenvector 8.986* 9.488
 Betweenness 1.433* 0.256
 Closeness 8.57e+88*** 8.71e+89
Network-based measures of social capital
 Clustering coefficient 0.455*** 0.052
 Constraint 0.377** 0.137 0.342** 0.120 0.319*** 0.077
Author's position in publication
 Position in non-alphabetised bylines:
  First 1.045*** 0.011 1.045*** 0.012 1.042*** 0.010 1.047*** 0.010
  Last 1.019* 0.009 1.019* 0.008 1.021*** 0.006 0.870* 0.055
  Second 1.012 0.016 1.012 0.017 1.022 0.014 1.019 0.018
  Penultimate 0.990 0.010 0.989 0.008 0.997 0.007 0.991 0.008
  Other 1.020** 0.007 1.023*** 0.006 1.021*** 0.005 1.022** 0.008
 Position in alphabetised bylines:
  First 1.094*** 0.025 1.092** 0.032 1.077* 0.032 1.088* 0.042
  Last 1.014 0.023 1.014 1.023 0.022 0.023 1.020 0.023
  Second 1.037 0.054 1.037 0.050 1.055 0.051 0.032 0.055
  Penultimate 0.938 0.108 0.899 0.097 0.932 0.085 0.935 0.094
  Other 1.126 0.165 1.142 0.135 1.070 0.163 1.103 0.162
Interactions: academic rank and position
 Senior lecturer × non-alphabetical last position 1.136* 0.070
 Reader × non-alphabetical last position 1.107 0.078
 Professor × non-alphabetical last position 1.206** 0.077
 Senior lecturer × alphabetical first position 1.090 0.086
 Reader × alphabetical first position 0.926 0.076
 Professor × alphabetical first position 1.004 0.050
Interactions: academic rank, position and brokerage
 Senior lecturer × non-alphabetical last position × constraint 0.890 0.128
 Reader × non-alphabetical last position × constraint 1.048 0.161
 Professor × non-alphabetical last position × constraint 1.277*** 0.079

Note: For ease of interpretation, the table displays incidence rate ratios. Models (1), (2) and (3) include only the main effects of the independent variables on authors’ performance: Model (1) includes degree and constraint; Model (2) eigenvector centrality, betweenness centrality and constraint and Model (3) closeness centrality and the clustering coefficient (please refer to the main text and the Supplementary Appendix for the definition of these network measures). Model 4 includes interaction effects between independent variables. The reference category for academic rank is ‘lecturer’. EC: estimated coefficient; SE: bootstrap standard error.

*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.