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. 2019 May 23;5(2):e14216. doi: 10.2196/14216

Table 4.

Comparison of estimated costs per reportable result and expertise required. Table adapted from Gitman et al [31].

Test Assay time Frequency of testing Cost ($) Expertise

Materials and reagents Labor Total
Cytospin-DFAa 90 min On demand 5.14 8.78 13.92 Mid-high
Conventional culture 1-7 days Examined once a day 5.4 11.94 17.94 Mid-high
Simplexa Direct PCR 75 min Once a day 39.54 2.69 42.23 Mid
LDTb HSVc PCRd with extraction 3 h Once a day 19.96 5.07 25.03 High

aDFA: direct fluorescent antibody.

bLDT: laboratory developed test.

cHSV: herpes simplex virus.

dPCR: polymerase chain reaction.