Table 3.
HPV 16 prevalence by demographic and baseline characteristics.
HPV 16 positive | HPV 16 negative | Total | p-value | |
Enrolled participants with HPV 16 results | 66 | 116 | 182 | |
Age (years) N=I82 | 0.67 | |||
26 and under | 26 (39%) | 42 (36%) | 68 (37%) | |
Over 26 | 40 (61%) | 74 (64%) | ll4 (63%) | |
Geographical region,a N=182 | 0.004 | |||
USA | 37 (56%) | 39 (34%) | 76 (42%) | |
Peru | 12 (l8%) | 25 (22%) | 37 (20%) | |
South Africa | 2 (3%) | 15 (l3%) | 17 (9%) | |
Thailand | 15 (23%) | 37 (32%) | 52 (29%) | |
Gender,b N=181 | 0.90 | |||
Male | 57 (88%) | l0l (87%) | l58 (87%) | |
Female | l (2%) | 3 (3%) | 4 (2%) | |
Transgender woman | 5 (8%) | 8 (7%) | 13 (7%) | |
Multiple checked or other | 2 (3%) | 4 (3%) | 6 (3%) | |
Smoking,c N=180 | 0.9l | |||
No, never or none in past eight weeks | 43 (66%) | 79 (69%) | 122 (68%) | |
Yes, one cigarette or fewer per day in past eight weeks | 10 (l5%) | 13 (ll%) | 23 (l3%) | |
Yes, more than one cigarette per day in past eight weeks | 12 (l8%) | 23 (20%) | 35 (l9%) | |
Stimulant recreational drug use,c N=181 | 0.34 | |||
Never | 59 (91%) | 99 (85%) | 158 (87%) | |
Ever | 6 (9%) | l7 (l5%) | 23 (l3%) | |
Number of sexual partners - past eight weekscN= 180 | 0.42 | |||
0 | 3 (5%) | 3 (3%) | 6 (3%) | |
1 or more | 62 (95%) | ll2 (97%) | 174 (97%) | |
RAI condom use - past eight weeks,cN= 175 | 0.l2 | |||
No RAI | 9 (14%) | 9 (8%) | l8 (l0%) | |
No condom use with RAI | 24 (37%) | 47 (43%) | 71 (41%) | |
Sometimes used condom with RAI | l4 (22%) | 33 (30%) | 47 (27%) | |
Always used condom with RAI | l8 (28%) | 21 (19%) | 39 (22%) | |
History of STIs and/or anal warts N=182 | 0.30 | |||
No | 34 (52%) | 69 (59%) | 103 (57%) | |
Yes | 32 (48%) | 47 (41%) | 79 (43%) | |
Lubricant or saliva use,c N= 167 | 0.32 | |||
Never or infrequently | 4 (7%) | 13 (l2%) | l7 (l0%) | |
Frequently or always | 55 (93%) | 95 (88%) | 150 (90%) | |
Number of times rectal douche used in past eight weeks,d N= 175 | 0.l0 | |||
Mean (SD) | 3.5 (8.4) | 6.3 (ll.0) | 5.3 (l0.2) | |
Median | l | 2 | 1 | |
QI,Q3 | 0, 4 | 0, 10 | 0, 6 | |
Min, Max | 0, 60 | 0, 60 | 0, 60 |
HPV: human papillomavirus; RAI: receptive anal intercourse; STI: sexually transmitted infection
The significance test for geographical region is US versus all other regions.
One participant refused to report gender. The significance test for gender is male versus transgender woman or other.
Information not reported for one or more participants.
Douche use is a continuous variable. Mean, standard deviation, median, quartiles, minimum, and maximum are presented.