Table 2. No high incidence of males is observed in gfp1-10 and gfp11 tagged strains. Table indicates the total number of adults (F1s) scored for each P0 and the number of males among these adults. These numbers are not significantly different between the strains (Fisher’s Exact test). Wild-type C. elegans is reported to generate 0.1% males (Hodgkin et al. 1979; Lui and Colaiácovo 2012).
Genotype | N = P0s | N = F1 | N = Males | % males |
wild-type | 9 | 2038 | 0 | 0 |
gfp1-10 | 12 | 2956 | 4 | 0.13 |
gfp1-10; gfp11::syp-4 | 13 | 2953 | 6 | 0.2 |
gfp1-10; gfp11::akir-1 | 12 | 3014 | 1 | 0.03 |
gfp1-10; gfp11::rpa-1 | 12 | 2801 | 2 | 0.07 |
flag::akir-1 | 8 | 1393 | 0 | 0 |
ollas::rpa-1 | 7 | 1867 | 3 | 0.16 |