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. 2019 Jun 6;14(6):e0217462. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0217462

Table 1. Participant characteristics.

OA (n = 75) RA (n = 82)
Mean (SD) CI Mean (SD) CI p-value
Age (years) 68.8 (8.9) 66.8–70.9 61.1 (13.3) 58.2–64.0 <0.001*
Sex (%female) 60 (-) 73.2 (-) 0.082
BMI 30.8 (6.3) 29.3–32.2 27.5 (5.1) 26.4–28.6 <0.001*
Body fat (%) 38.8 (8.9) 36.7–40.8 36.9 (10.0) 34.7–39.1 0.214
AMI (kg) 0.7 (0.2) 0.65–0.74 0.7 (0.2) 0.6–0.7 0.950
CRP (mg/l) 4.6 (2.3) 4.06–5.11 8.8 (13.3) 5.9–11.7 0.006*
Sarcopenia (%sarcopenic) 29.3 (-) 17.1 (-) 0.071
Steroids (%using) 0 (-) 42.7 (-) <0.001*
Fatique (MAF, points) 21.1 (10.3) 18.7–23.4 24.1 (10.9) 21.7–26.4 0.064
MAF, severity 9.0 (4.6) 7.9–10.1 10.5 (4.9) 9.4–11.6 0.050*
MAF, distress 3.0 (2.5) 2.5–3.6 3.6 (2.8) 3.0–4.2 0.165
MAF, DL 3.0 (1.8) 2.6–3.4 3.3 (2.0) 2.9–3.7 0.239
MAF, timing 11.4 (4.1) 10.5–12.4 12.5 (3.5) 11.8–13. 0.057
Fatigue (VAS, mm) 39.2 (24.4) 33.6–44.8 43.3 (23.8) 38.1–48.6 0.283
WOMAC (points) 30.5 (19.1) 26.1–34.9 26.3 (18.6) 22.2–30.4 0.161
DAS28 (points) 3.6 (1.3) 3.3–3.8
HAQ-DI (points) 0.9 (0.9) 0.8–1.1 1.0 (0.7) 0.9–1.1 0.534
Pedometer (steps/day) 4375 (2587) 3749–5001 4700 (2913) 4010–5389 0.489
TUG (sec) 7.8 (2.9) 7.2–8.5 6.8 (2.8) 6.2–7.5 0.029*
STS (number) 10.0 (3.8) 9.1–10.1 11.8 (3.8) 11.0–12.7 0.004*
Walking speed (m/s) 1.3 (0.3) 1.2–1.4 1.5 (0.3) 1.4–1.5 0.003*
Grip Strength (kg) 26.0 (11.3) 23.4–28.7 18.2 (8.9) 16.2–20.2 <0.001*

OA = osteoarthritis, RA = Rheumatoid Arthritis, n = number, SD = Standard Deviation, CI = Confidence Interval, BMI = Body Mass Index, AMI = Appendicular Muscle Index, CRP = C-reactive protein, mg/l = milligram per litre, MAF = Multidimensional Assessment of Fatigue, DL = Daily Living, VAS = Visual Analog Scale, mm = millimetres, WOMAC = Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index, DAS-28 = Disease Activity Score 28, HAQ-DI = Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index, TUG = Timed Up and Go, Sec = seconds, STS = Sit To Stand, m/s = meter per second, kg = kilograms. Data are mean (SD) unless otherwise stated.

* significant difference between groups = p < .05