1A2 and Fab-8 insulators also mediate transvection. All panels show merged GFP (green) and LacZ (red) channels of confocal z-projections from third instar wing disks. (A1–A5) Wing disks from animals hemizygous for responder transgenes; insulators are shown as triangles. (B1–G5) Wing disks from heterozygotes for sender transgenes (as indicated in each column) with responder transgenes (as indicated in each row). All transgenes are inserted in attP40. (A1–G5) were imaged at the same intensity settings. (A1’, B1’, E5′ and G3′) are higher-sensitivity images of the respective panels, to reveal very low levels of transvection. Note that the responder construct in row 3, as well as the sender constructs in columns (C and E), are deleted for WI (red triangle).