(A) Immunostaining revealed that the TNF-α expression was significantly increased in the ovary of PCOS rat compared to that of the control and decreased after the ETA therapy (CD68 was used as a macrophage marker). Upon using pregnenolone as substrate, (C) TNF-α-treated KGN cells secreted more T compared to the normal cells (**All groups, P<0.01 by repeated measure ANOVA; ##group treated with 0 ng/mL T versus group treated with 100 ng/mL T, P<0.01 by Dunnett’s multiple comparison test), although (B) TNF-α inhibits proliferation of the cells at day-3 (*All groups, P<0.05 by one-way ANOVA; #group treated with 0 ng/mL T versus group treated with 100 ng/mL T, P<0.05 by Dunnett’s multiple comparison test).