All-way stop, balcony railings, bicycle helmet access and storage, bicycle helmet innovation, bicycle lanes, bicycle parking, bicycle storage, bike boxes, bike-sharing, bus lane placement, bus lanes, bus stop design, bus stop placement, complete streets, crime and recreational parks, crime prevention in existing parks, crime prevention in new parks, crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED), drowning prevention, electronic surveillance, escalator safety, fencing, folding helmets, four-way stop, handrails, helmet sanitation covers, helmet vending machines, injury AND urban design, injury prevention AND urban design, in-pavement flashing lights, lighting, lighting outdoors, mitigating risk of parking far and walking, outdoor pools, outdoor stair risk, painted bicycle crossings, painted lanes, park safety, parking safety, pedestrian lighting, pedestrian overpasses, pedestrian refuge islands, placement of bus stops, playground equipment, playground surfaces, playgrounds, red light camera, road reflectors, safety AND urban design, security escort services, sign/age, stair characteristics, stair design, stair features, stair surfaces, stairs, stop sign control, street calming, street closures for safe play areas, surfaces, surveillance systems, temperature safe surfaces for outdoor facilities, traffic calming, traffic light, traffic signals, traffic signs, vehicular lighting, violence prevention AND urban design. |
Balcony railings, bicycle helmet access and storage, bicycle parking, bicycle storage, closed-circuit television, crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED), drowning prevention, effectiveness AND building design, electronic surveillance, elevator safety, escalator safety, exercise equipment, fitness room surfaces, handrails, indoor fitness equipment, indoor gym surfaces, indoor pool safety, indoor sign/age, indoor sport facilities, indoor stair risk, injury AND building design, injury prevention AND building design, lighting, lighting indoors, metal detectors, parking safety, safety AND building design, shower surfaces, sprinklers, stair characteristics, stair design, stair features, stair surfaces, stairs, surfaces in indoor play areas, surveillance systems, violence prevention AND building design, window guards, window stops. |